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Women in Sindh


Pakistan under Musharraf Military Regime, and the Question of Religious Fundamentalism


Truth Speaker: An Interview with a torture victim


Five Years of Army Dictatorship in Pakistan, One More Black Day Added to the Dirty Rule


Partner Organizations is a global online community, providing youth with inspiration to make a difference, a source of information on issues, opportunities to take action, and a bridge to get involved locally, nationally and globally.


Global Youth Action Network that act as an incubator of global partnerships among youth organizations.

World Sindhi Institute WSI strives to achieve human rights and security for Sindhis in a stable Pakistan.
Torture Aboliation and Survivors Support Coalition International TASSC International is a coalition of torture survivors, currently representing more than 60 countries and ethnic groups. In the spirit of nonviolence
United Nation


World Youth Alliance

The World Youth Alliance is a global coalition of young people and youth organizations committed to promoting the dignity of the person at the international level and building solidarity among youth from developed and developing countries. Founded in 1999, it now embraces members of at least 100 nationalities. A small team of World Youth Alliance members works directly at the United Nations and European Union to protect human life and dignity in international agreements. Other World Youth Alliance members are engaged at the grassroots level, building a culture of life through charitable service projects or innovative cultural events.

Human Rights Commission of pakistan HRCP main aims are spreading awareness of human rights among the people, mobilising public opinion, collecting information and disseminating knowledge about human rights abuses


Oxfam International Youth Parliment

The Oxfam International Youth Parliament (Oxfam IYP) supports a network of young leaders in 150 countries to work for positive and lasting change in their communities.

"Youth building an equitable, sustainable and peaceful world"


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